
  • International Journal of Educational Management and Change Leadership

    International Journal of Educational Management and Change Leadership (IJEMCL), with ISSN xxxx-xxxx, is a biannually online, peer-reviewed and open-access journal which is published by Papanda. IJEMCL aims to publish high-quality papers in all areas of educational management and change leadership. The journal is committed to publishing new scholarly research ideas and insights in the shape of research articles that have a significant impact on the educational management and change leadership field as a whole.

  • Polinomial : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika

    Polinomial : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika (ISSN : 2830-0378) is a scientific journal published by Papanda (Paguyuban Panalungtik Sunda). This aims to provide a national forum for researchers and professionals to share their ideas on all topics related to mathematics education, specifically focuses on Method/Model/Strategy/Media and Multimedia for Learning Mathematics, Curriculum in Mathematics Teaching, Assessment and Evaluation, Development of Mathematics Teacher Professionals, Ethnomatematics, and ICT in learning mathematics.

    Jurnal Polinomial  is an open-access journal published twice a year (May and November). We accept articles of the author can be derived various countries, with the scientific field of Mathematics Education.

  • Journal of Metrics Studies and Social Science

    The Journal of Metrics Studies and Social Science (JMSSS) publishes high-quality, rigorous research on quantitative aspects of information science. The journal's primary focus is on bibliometrics, scientometrics, webometrics, patentometrics, altmetrics, and research evaluation. Contributions that investigate informetric problems using methods from other quantitative fields, such as mathematics, statistics, computer science, economics and econometrics, and network science, are particularly encouraged. JMSSS publishes theoretical as well as empirical work. Furthermore, this journal welcomes other contributions relating to social science research. The scope is broad and covers socio-cultural aspects of human behaviour. Cultural anthropology, economics, political science, sociology, criminology, and social psychology are all examples of contributions.

  • Edukasiana: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan

    Edukasiana: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan (Journal of Educational Innovation), with ISSN 2809-6770, is published by Papanda Publisher and mainly focuses on major issues in teaching,  Teaching Assessment, learning media, development of subjects of education, and management of education. This Journal received all the topics about the results of studies and research by lecturers, students, teachers, practitioners, and scientists in the field of education. For the research category, articles can be written using quantitative and qualitative approaches and can be made in a variety of research designs, such as action research, experiments, and case studies. 

  • Papanda Journal of English Education

    Papanda Journal of English Education (PJEE), a double-blind peer-reviewed journal, is a platform for researchers, scholars, and practitioners in the field of English education to publish and disseminate their original research and studies. The journal aims to promote knowledge-building and problem-solving in the field and to make scientific works in relevant research areas accessible to the public. The journal has been published online by the Papanda since 2022. The primary scope and focus of the journal include English Language Teaching (ELT), Technology-Enhanced ELT, Language Testing and Assessment, English Applied Linguistics, and Second Language Acquisition (SLA).

  • Buletin Ilmiah Pendidikan

    Buletin Ilmiah Pendidikan (BIP), with ISSN 2964-5506 is open access and peer-reviewed scholarly journal published Papanda. This Journal is published twice a year. This publication is available online through open access. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate new theories and research results that have been achieved in the field of education. BIP aims to provide researchers with scholarly discourses, theories, research methods, and findings. Therefore, the journal accepts manuscripts related to all aspects of education. 

  • Mirabilis : Journal of Biology Education

    Mirabilis: Journal of Biology Education is a biology education journal published by Papanda (Paguyuban Panalungtik Sunda). This journal is a journal of biology education learning and research, the focus and scope include the Application of biology learning models; biology learning media; evaluation and assessment of biology learning; research on the development of learning biology; and natural science lessons.

    Jurnal Mirabilis is an open-access journal published twice a year (May and November). We accept articles of the author can be derived from various countries, with the scientific field of Biology Education. E-ISSN : 2829-9604

  • Papanda Journal of Community Service

    Papanda Journal of Community Service is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by Papanda Publisher. It is on the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services.
    Papanda Journal of Community Service contains various activities of lecturers in handling and managing the various potentials, obstacles, challenges, and problems that exist in society. Implementation of service activities also involves the participation of the community and partners. Service activities are organized into an activity aimed at improving the welfare of society.

  • Journal of Innovation and Research in Primary Education

    Journal of Innovation and Research in Primary Education (JIRPE), with ISSN 2829-775X, is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research and review articles primarily but limited to the area of elementary school education. It brings together academics and researchers from different countries who seek to promote a vigorous dialogue between scholars in various fields both central and related to scientific inquiry in primary education. JIRPE is published two times yearly and only accepts articles in English.

  • journal of information system and technology

    Journal of Information System and Technology (Jistec) is an open access journal, peer-reviewed in the field of information systems and technology which includes research activities related to information technology and systems development, software development, mobile programming, multimedia and computer network technology. The purpose of publishing this journal is as a publication media for researchers in the field of informatics, so that concepts and knowledge in the field of informatics can be implemented and analyzed as well as possible. Research results should be included so that research results can be reproduced and used as complementary material for published articles.

  • Papanda Journal of Mathematics and Science Research

    Papanda Journal of Mathematics and Sciences Research (PJMSR) is a scientific journal published by Papanda (Paguyuban Panalungtik Sunda) since 2022. This journal was established to provide up-to-date knowledge in the fields of mathematics and science (physics, chemistry, biology) widely to all academics, researchers and students who have an interest in this field.

    PJMSR is an open-access journal published twice a year (June - December). All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by the editor and then evaluated by two reviewers with relevant fields through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the manuscripts published in the journal.

    e-ISSN 2580-9709

  • International Journal of Advance Research in Mathematics Education

    Name of Journal International Journal of Advance Research in Mathematics Education
    Initials IJR
    Abbreviation IJARME
    Issued Twice Every Year | Juni and Desember
    DOI Prefix 10.56916
    ISSN (electronic) 3025-616X
    Editor in-chief Mohamad Gilar Jatisunda
    Publisher  Papanda Publisher
    Citation analysis DOAJ | SINTA |Google Scholar | MAS | Scopus

    The International Journal of Advance Research in Mathematics Education is a peer-refereed open-access journal established to disseminate state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of theory and applications of mathematics education. It is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers through the double-blind review process. 

    The International Journal of Advance Research in Mathematics Education accepts high-quality articles from research projects in mathematics education. It seeks to reflect the variety of research concerns within this field and the range of methods used to study them. It deals with methodological, pedagogical/didactical, political, and socio-cultural aspects of mathematics teaching and learning. The International Journal of Advance Research in Mathematics Education is open to all research approaches within this range.

  • Indonesian Journal of Education and Social Sciences

    Indonesian Journal of Education and Social Science (IJESS), with ISSN 2830-6996, is a biannually online, peer-reviewed and open-access journal which is published by Papanda. IJESS aims to publish high-quality papers in all areas of Education and Social sciences. The journal is committed to publishing new scholarly research ideas and insights in the shape of research articles that have a significant impact on the Education and Social Science field as a whole. IJESS has been accredited by the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 177/E/KPT/2024, concerning the Accreditation Rankings of Scientific Journals for Period II of 2024.

  • Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidik Indonesia

    Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidik Indonesia (ISSN 2830-781X)  adalah Jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Papanda Publisher. Jurnal ini terbit setiap 6 bulan atau dua kali dalam satu tahun. Artikel-artikel yang diterbitkan jurnal ini adalah artikel karya ilmiah, studi pustaka atau hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh pendidik di Indonesia, baik itu guru, dosen, maupun mahasiswa calon guru. Kajian dalam jurnal ini mencakup multidisiplin keilmuan yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan, dengan tujuan memajukan pendidikan di Indonesia.

  • Journal of Innovation in Management, Accounting and Business

    The Journal of Innovation in Management, Accounting, and Business (JIMAB), with ISSN 2830-7801, provides a scholarly discourse on management, economics, accounting, and business practically and conceptually. Articles published in this journal encompass a wide range of topics, from specific conceptual analyses and critical evaluations to empirical research. The journal also welcomes contributions from the social, organizational, and philosophical aspects of accounting, economics, business, and management studies. JIMAB aims to advance and promote innovative thinking in the related disciplines of accounting, business, economics, and management. It disseminates current research work and activities from academics and practitioners, fostering new networks and relationships among thinkers while enhancing creative thinking and application-oriented issues. Starting in 2024, JIMAB will be published three times a year.
    JIMAB has been accredited by the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 72/E/KPT/2024, concerning the Accreditation Rankings of Scientific Journals for Period I of 2024. This accreditation is valid from 2022 to 2026.

  • Journal of Education For Sustainable Innovation

    The Journal of Education For Sustainable Innovation (JESI), with ISSN 3025-1052, is an academic journal that undergoes peer review. It publishes empirical research, scholarly articles, reports, and essays covering diverse aspects of the growing field of education for sustainable innovation. JESI invites submissions not only from the education sector, which has significantly contributed to the advancement of education for sustainable innovation but also from various other disciplines. This inclusive stance underscores the urgent need to integrate educational principles and practices into all areas of human activity.

  • Journal of Innovation and Research in Agriculture

    Journal of Innovation and Research in Agriculture (JIRA), with ISSN 2964-7312, is a peer-reviewed bi-annual journal published by Papanda Publisher. This journal covers all aspects of agricultural research including Animal Science and Fisheries, Agribusiness, Agricultural Technology, and Agriculture and Bioscience. Manuscripts with either basic, applied, or advanced studies are accepted. Each of the manuscripts needs to be completed with well design method and a systematic review of previous works. This journal aims to provide academic insights for policymakers, as well as valuable references for further studies. All manuscripts are double-blind refereed before acceptance.

  • Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

    The Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development (JMRD), with ISSN 3031-9390, is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal published by PaPanda Publisher. The mission of JMRD is to promote excellence by providing a platform for academics, students, and practitioners to publish current and significant empirical and conceptual research in fields such as arts, business, literature, applied sciences, natural sciences, law, health or social sciences, and other areas that test, expand, or build theories. JMRD is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal. JMRD is published biannually in January and July.

  • International Journal Humanities Perspective

    Journal Title : International Journal Humanities Perspective  
    Initials : IJHP
    Frequency : 2 issues per year (January and July)
    DOI :
    ISSN : 3031-9331 (Online)
    Editor in Chief : Mulya Syamsul
    Managing Editor : Abd. Kholik Khoerulloh
    Citation Analysis : Sinta | Google Scholar | Scopus

    International Journal Humanities Perspective (IJHP) is published periodically by Papanda Publisher focusing on the humanities. Articles published in this journal are usually the result of in-depth research, analyses, or new ideas in the humanities. The aim of the IJHP is to broaden human understanding of culture, history, and other aspects of humanity and disseminate new knowledge to the scientific community.

  • Bulletin of Education and Teaching

    Bulletin of Education and Teaching is a peer-reviewed journal covering science of education and provides an international forum for the science of education and school settings. The BET, which is published two times a year, is an open-access that publishes research outcomes with significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of the science of education and services in school settings. The journal encompasses a full range of methodologies and orientations that include educational, cognitive, social, behavioral, preventive, cross-cultural, and developmental perspectives. The BET publishes research regarding the education of populations across the life span.