Comparative Analysis of Marketing Effectiveness of Islamic Bank Products through Social Media and Conventional Media
Marketing, Product, Sosial Media, Conventional MediaAbstract
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of marketing Islamic bank products through social media and conventional media and compare the two. The marketing process of Islamic banks involves complex strategies to influence prospective customers, including aspects of sharia and product security. Social media, with its greater reach, relatively low cost, and quick feedback, is becoming an effective tool for reaching the target audience. On the other hand, conventional media has the advantage of delivering complex messages and giving a professional impression. Some factors, such as target audience characteristics, marketing objectives, and cost, should be considered in select marketing media. Therefore, a deep understanding of the effectiveness of using social and conventional media in marketing Islamic bank products is the key to optimizing marketing strategies and increasing the success of Islamic banks in an increasingly competitive market. The result of this study is that social media, with its greater reach, relatively low cost, and fast feedback, becomes an effective tool in reaching the target audience, especially by utilizing sophisticated targeting features. However, conventional media also has advantages in achieving a greater target audience, conveying more complex message, and giving a more professional impression.
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