About the Journal

Journal of Innovation and Research in Primary Education (JIRPE) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research and review articles primarily but limited to the area of elementary school education. It brings together academics and researchers from different countries who seek to promote a vigorous dialogue between scholars in various fields both central and related to scientific inquiry in primary education. JIRPE is published two times yearly and only accepts articles in English.

Journal of Innovation and Research in Primary Education (JIRPE) is a scientific journal published by Papanda. The aims of the journal are to facilitate scientific publication of the results of research in the field of primary education and to participate in boosting the quality and quantity of research for academics and researchers. JIRPE is published two times a year.

Journal of Innovation and Research in Primary Education (JIRPE)

Journal title Journal of Innovation and Research in Primary Education
Initials JIRPE
Frequency 2 issues per year
ISSN 2829-775X
Citation Google Scholar
Publisher Papanda